
Collection of mosque news, found 1.728 news.

Continuing to find ways to deliver aid to Palestinians: Marsudi

Indonesia is continuing to find "whatever ways" it can to get aid packages delivered to Palestinians who have ...

Jakarta-Cirebon Edu Heritage Program introduces historical values

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno views the "Jakarta-Cirebon Edu Heritage ...

President officiates two post-tsunami rehabilitated ports in Palu Bay

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), on Wednesday, inaugurated Wani Port and Pantoloan Port in Palu Bay, Donggala ...

Gorontalo police officer tuns gambling den into mosque

Chief Police Brigadier Suparno Hamzah, a cop serving in Gorontalo District, Gorontalo Province, made use of bamboos ...

Minister Uno encourages West Sumatra to strengthen halal tourism

Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Uno supports the strengthening of halal tourism in West Sumatra Province ...

Jokowi expresses condolences over incidents during his N Sumatra visit

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has expressed his condolences over the incidents that occurred during his recent visit ...

Halal tourism's money circulation to potentially rise by 25%: Minister

Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno estimated that money circulation from Indonesia’s ...

Waqf land certification is completely free of charge: Minister AHY

The process of registration and issuance of certificates for waqf lands is facilitated by the government with no fees ...

New capital groundbreaking Phase 5 worth Rp49.6 trillion of investment

The fifth phase of groundbreaking in the new capital city (IKN) Nusantara took place to commence the development of ...

Arsari Tambang eyes bagging Gold PROPER from KLHK in 2025

Arsari Tambang, through PT Mitra Stania Prima (MSP Smelter), targets attaining the Gold ranking in the Public ...

Makassar, Saudi Arabia to hold longest line of iftar

The Makassar City Government and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have scheduled to hold a record-breaking 2.5-kilometer ...

MUI and Baznas involve 11 Palestinian clerics in Ramadan Safari

The Indonesian Ulema Council and Baznas (National Alms Agency) organize a Ramadan Safari entitled "Mending ...

News Feature

Indonesia's frontiers emerge as models of religious tolerance

Natuna District, Riau Islands Province, is one of Indonesia’s frontiers, with a society comprising various ...

Waqf land certification provides legal certainty to religious assets

The government has been exerting efforts to certify all parcels of waqf lands in a bid to provide legal certainty to ...

Ministry prepares aid for 2,000 friendly mosques in 2024

The Ministry of Religious Affairs is planning to distribute revitalization aid funds to a total of 2,000 mosques and ...