
Collection of mpr news, found 1.859 news.

W Java allocates Rp50-billion for fuel price hike-affected people

West Java Regional Legislative Bodies (DPRD) and the provincial government agreed to provide additional social ...

All legal products must be based on Pancasila: Mahfud MD

The state ideology Pancasila, as the philosophy of the nation and the source of all laws, must serve as the basis for ...

All nations can apply Pancasila values for peace: Megawati

Former president Megawati Soekarnoputri stated that Pancasila has universal values, so all nations worldwide can apply ...

Collaboration crucial to anticipate impacts of extreme weather: MPR

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR RI) Deputy Speaker Lestari Moerdijat opined that cross-party collaboration was ...

MPR pushes for joint movement to help museum management transformation

Museum management transformation must become a joint movement of all parties, both stakeholders and the community, and ...

Need public support to improve state university admission process: MPR

Public support is needed for efforts to make the student selection process of state universities more fair and ...

VP outlines strategies to achieve stability, national economy recovery

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin outlined various strategies to achieve stability and national economic recovery after ...

Ministry holds exhibition to promote local leather goods, footwear

The Industry Ministry is holding the 2022 Leather Shoes and Fashion Exhibition at Plasa Perindustrian, Jakarta, from ...

Four thousand officers deployed for handling fuel price hike protests

Indonesian authorities deployed four thousand security officers comprising police and military members to handle ...

Tourism actors must save money amid fuel price increase: minister

Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Uno has appealed to tourism and creative economy players to focus on ...

MPR deputy speaker calls for transparency in social aid distribution

The People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Deputy Speaker Lestari Moerdijat laid emphasis on the importance of ...

All parties must help prevent investment scams: MPR speaker

Speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Bambang Soesatyo has urged all parties to participate ...

Education bill ensures teachers get professional allowances: Ministry

The National Education System Bill (RUU Sisdiknas) ensures that teachers, both state civil apparatus (ASN) and ...

Tens of thousands of people join Red and White Parade in Jakarta

Tens of thousands of people coming from diverse backgrounds joined the "Kirab Merah Putih" or Red and White ...

President Jokowi flags off Red and White Parade

A "Kirab Merah Putih" or Red and White Parade, joined by more than 10,000 people, was flagged off by ...