City-owned transportation company MRT Jakarta Ltd (Perseroda) has maximized revenue from advertising or outside Revenue ...
Mass Rapid Transit operator PT MRT Jakarta's subsidiaries -- PT Integrasi Transportasi Jakarta and PT Moda ...
DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan opened '3 Pillars of Integration Forum Group Discussion (FGD)', themed ...
City-owned PT MRT Jakarta Ltd (Perseroda) which operates a mass transit service has ...
Bangkuang). The meeting was attended by several representatives from the Republic of South Korea, ...
PT MRT Jakarta has consistently striven to improve access to non-foldable bikes to mirror the company's support to ...
Southeast Asia's multi-service tech giant, Gojek, introduces its latest innovation -- GoTransit --to increase the ...
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), on Wednesday, accepted letters of credentials presented by seven ambassadors ...
PT MRT Jakarta and Indonesian Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, raised awareness on physical distancing, ...
Japanese Ambassador to Indonesia, Masafumi Ishii, and chief of JICA's representative office in Indonesia, Shinichi ...
The Special Capital Region of Jakarta (DKI) showcased five investment projects to Singaporean investors in the fifth ...
As the Indonesian government prepares to reopen the economy amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the transportation sector ...
PT MRT Jakarta, the operating company of the capital city's Mass Rapid Transit, monitored the density of passengers ...
DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has lifted the restrictions placed on public transportation services, including for ...
PT MRT Jakarta, along with PT Adhi Karya and Shimizu Corporation Indonesia, signed the contract to develop Phase 2A of ...