
Collection of permission news, found 626 news.

Be wary of Chinese warships entering Indonesian waters: MP

House member Sukamta reminded the government, particularly the Defense Ministry, Defense Forces (TNI), Strategic ...

Frequency of flights dipped 90% owing to mudik ban

Flight frequency at Indonesia's airports plunged by 90 percent after the ban on mudik (Eid al-Fitr exodus) on May ...

TNI Chief Tjahjanto joins search operation for missing submarine

National Defense Forces (TNI) Chief Hadi Tjahjanto joined his ranks aboard warship KRI Suharso to search for submarine ...

Singapore, Malaysia offer help in TNI's search for missing submarine

The Indonesian Military (TNI) received an offer from Singapore and Malaysia to help in the search for the missing navy ...

Armed group shoots high school student in Papua's Puncak District

A Papuan armed criminal group shot dead Ali Mom, a high school student, in Ilaga, Puncak District, Papua. Ali Mom, a ...

Governmental caution crucial in conducting face-to-face learning: DPR

Chairperson of the House of Representatives (DPR) Puan Maharani has called on the government to be cautious in ...

News Feature

Sali Kecil, a shining exemplar of preserving nature amid limitations

At first glance, a small island of Sali Kecil, located between Bacan Island on the west side and Halmahera Island in ...

News Feature

Conserving North Maluku's maritime treasures

Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world, with its 17,508 islands spread over an area of nearly two ...

Indonesia relentlessly works toward lowering medical device imports

Research and Technology Minister Bambang P. S. Brodjonegoro echoed Indonesia’s unwavering efforts to lessen ...

Local wisdom cannot be pretext for legalizing liquor: MUI Chairman

Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Chairman M. Cholil Nafis was vociferous in emphasizing that liquor cannot be legalized ...

COVAX vaccine available sooner in second quarter of 2021: Marsudi

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi affirmed that procurement of the COVID-19 vaccine, through the COVAX global facility, ...

COVID-19 immunization: Govt collecting data on health workers

The government has begun listing the first stage recipients of the COVID-19 vaccine after millions of doses from ...

News Focus

Lessons learned from foreign UUV discovery for Indonesia's defense

The recent discovery of an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) belonging to a foreign nation deep inside Indonesia's ...

Drone finding challenges RI's defense, remote sensing capabilities: MP

The recent detection of an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) belonging to a foreign nation deep inside Indonesia's ...

Indonesia must strengthen underwater defence, security: House

Indonesia needs to strengthen its underwater defence and security in the wake of the discovery of an Unmanned ...