
Collection of pornographic news, found 80 news.

UI criminologist points to surge in cybercrimes during pandemic

Coronavirus related scams and such cybercrimes as data theft, and account burglary had grown ...

COVID-19 patient in Jakarta named potential suspect in scandal: police

A COVID-19 patient hospitalized at the Wisma Atlet Kemayoran emergency hospital is named potential suspect for ...

Banda Aceh administration complains about porn content on Google Maps

The Banda Aceh city administration has reported a public complaint over pornographic content on the Google Maps ...

AdBug uncovers RedEye, the latest threat to China's digital Advertising Market

AdBug, the leading Chinese ad verification company, has uncovered the latest, and perhaps the largest, ad fraud ...

Facebook says it was "too slow" to fight hate speech in Myanmar

Facebook has been "too slow" to address hate speech in Myanmar and is acting to remedy the problem by hiring ...

House speaker hails police`s decision over Rizieq`s case

House speaker Bambang Soesatyo here on Sunday hailed the decision of the police to issue a warrant for the termination ...

Police to issue stop-investigation warrant on Rizieq case

The Jakarta Police has assured it will issue an investigation termination warrant (SP3) of an alleged pornography chat ...

Number of victims of Jambi pedophile reaches at least 87 teenagers

The Jambi Police has confirmed that at least 87 teenagers have become victims of a pedophile identified by his name as ...

Ministry finds 360 Tumblr accounts to contain pornography

Indonesia`s Communication and Informatics Ministry has found more than 360 accounts in microblogging platform Tumblr ...

Indonesia targeted for child sexual exploitation: Ministry

The Director General of Social Rehabilitation from the Ministry of Social Affairs, Edi Suharto, stated that developing ...

Police, information ministry to investigate Whatsapp pornographic content

Jakarta police, in cooperation with the ministry of informatics and communication, are coordinating to investigate ...

Indonesian police question Rizieq in Saudi Arabia

Indonesian National Police Chief Gen. Tito Karnavian said the Jakarta Police had questioned the head of the Islamic ...

Facebook to open official office in Indonesia

Facebook will open an official office in Indonesia, Samuel A Pangerapan, Director General for Application and ...

Jakarta police ask FPI not to mobilize masses

Jakarta Police Chief Inspector General M Iriawan has called on Islam Defenders Front (FPI) leader Rizieq Shihab not to ...

President calls on people to stop spreading hoax stories

President Joko Widodo has again urged people here on Thursday to stop spreading hoax stories as well as hate speeches ...