
Collection of punishment news, found 712 news.

Iran Minister: EU embargo on Iran`s oil to affect world economy

European sanctions against Iran's oil exports will affect world economy and hurt European and non-European countries, ...

Afghanistan gov`t denounces alleged abuse of 2 children by British soldiers

The Afghan government has denounced the alleged abuse of two children by two British soldiers, a statement released by ...

Govt to evaluate early budget absorption

The government has been carrying out budget absorption evaluation since the beginning of the year and is reminding ...

Russia slams Iran sanctions, holds firm on Syria attention

Russia warned the West on Friday that new sanctions against Iran over its nuclear programme will be seen by the world ...

Vietnam launches plan on traffic safety in 2012

The Vietnamese government decided to make 2012 a "year for traffic safety" during which traffic regulations and orders ...

oil reserves down to 3.925 bln barrels

The Upstream Oil and Gas Executive Agency (BP Migas) has predicted that Indonesia`s oil reserves as per January 1, ...

Oil reserves down to 3.925 bln barrels

The Upstream Oil and Gas Executive Agency (BP Migas) has predicted that Indonesia`s oil reserves as per January 1, ...

Yemenis protest against amnesty for Saleh

Hundreds of thousands of Yemenis demonstrated Friday across the country rejecting an amnesty given to President Ali ...

Police admit misconduct in dealing with recent Papua congress

The police have admitted that some of their personnel had acted out of line in dealing with participants of the Third ...

Yemen troops kill 12 Qaeda suspects

Yemeni forces shelled a suspected Al-Qaeda hide-out in the restive southern city of Zinjibar, the capital of Abyan ...

Sumatran rhino in Lampung on brink of extinction

The Sumatran rhinoceros in Lampung Province is on the brink of extinction duo to poaching activities and weak law ...

Four trapped miners found dead in China: govt

Tragedy struck a rescue operation in a north China colliery Sunday when rescuers found the lifeless bodies of four ...

Israel to invite bids for 800 e. Jerusalem homes: ministry

Israel is to invite tenders for the construction of more than 800 new homes in two settlement neighbourhoods of ...

Israel pm orders UNESCO funding halt

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday ordered a halt to Israel`s financial contributions to UNESCO ...

Somali rebels say will subject Kenya to `endless war`

Somalia`s Shebab rebels said Thursday they were building defences that would plunge Kenyan forces battling them into ...