#regional disaster mitigation agency bpbd

Collection of regional disaster mitigation agency bpbd news, found 432 news.

G20 Indonesia

BMKG to display weather information at G20 Summit venues

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) is planning to install screens to display weather ...

BNPB spotlights importance of localization in disaster risk reduction

Chief Secretary of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB)  Lilik Kurniawan  emphasized the ...

North Tapanuli: Governor sends logistics aid following quake

North Sumatra Governor Edy Rahmayadi has sent logistics assistance for people affected by a 5.8-magnitude earthquake ...

North Tapanuli earthquake: BPBD collects data on victims, damages

The North Tapanuli District Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD), North Sumatra, continues to gather data on ...

Earthquake of magnitude 6.0 jolts North Tapanuli

A 6.0-magnitude earthquake jolted the North Tapanuli region in North Sumatra at 2:28 a.m. Western Indonesia Time (UTC ...

Desalination technology can help to address clean water crisis: BRIN

Desalination technology used to turn sea water into consumable clean water could become a solution to the clean water ...

BNPB urged to focus on improving public's disaster-related literacy

The Indonesian Ombudsman urged the head of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) to prioritize increasing the ...

No damage detected following 6.4M Aceh quake: BPBD

There has been no damage to buildings or other public facilities in West Aceh district due to the 6.4-magnitude (M) ...

G20 Indonesia

Bali government updates Indian delegation on G20 Summit's preparations

The Bali provincial government shared details regarding the readiness to hold the 2022 G20 Summit with the delegation ...

Jakarta uses social media to broadcast disaster-alert information

The Jakarta Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) utilizes social media and an application-based communication ...

Ambon BPBD holds simulation for mitigating hydrometeorological hazards

The Ambon City Regional Disaster Mitigation Office (BPBD) conducted simulations for mitigation of hydrometeorological ...

BNPB greenlights Rp56.8-billion grant to reconstruct Pesisir Selatan

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) approved a grant proposal worth Rp56.8 billion for the rehabilitation ...

Residents flee homes after earthquake hits Mentawai Islands: BPBD

Several hundred residents of Mentawai Islands District in West Sumatra Province had fled to a higher and safer ...

G20 Indonesia

1,257 personnel securing G20 Culture Ministers' Meeting in Magelang

As many as 1,257 joint personnel have been readied to secure the G20 Culture Ministers’ Meeting at Borobudur ...

BNPB outlines simple early warning tool for Mentawai after quake

Head of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB)  Lieutenant General Suharyanto  on Tuesday outlined a ...