
Collection of rotan news, found 13 news.

Ministry helps 28 furniture SMEs join international expo

The Industry Ministry has helped 28 small and medium furniture industries to join the 2022 Indonesia International ...

News feature - Cirebon keen to expand rattan business to Palu By Andi Abdussalam

Though it is not a raw rattan producer, Cirebon, a district town in West Java, is one of the country`s rattan-based ...

Indonesia`s rattan furniture exports increase in 2013

Indonesia`s exports of rattan furniture and crafts experience a significant increase in 2013 as the result of ...

Japan`s market demand for rattan furniture increases

Rattan furniture with natural color from Cirebon, West Java, continues to attract Japan` market demand, according to ...

Furniture exports up 6.96%

Indonesia`s furniture exports from January to September 2012 rose by 6.96 percent to US$1.4 billion, according to the ...

APRI urges government to lift rattan export ban

The Indonesian Rattan Employers Association, APRI, has urged the government to lift the rattan export ban, as per the ...

Indonesian govt claims increase in rattan exports

The government decision to ban raw rattan exports has only served to boost its sales in the form of finished goods ...

Farmers asked to process rattan to get warehouse receipts

The trade ministry has asked rattan farmers and collectors to process their rattan before storing them in warehouses ...

Buffer stock for raw rattan needed

A buffer stock, such as the state logistics board (Bulog) which collects rice, is needed to accommodate farmers` raw ...

Rattan farmers to stage demonstration against export ban

Hundred rattan farmers, workers and collectors of Kotawarining Timur district in Central Kalimantan plan to conduct a ...

New decree to tighten rattan export restrictions

The government is continuing to tighten its raw rattan export restrictions so as to guarantee the availability of ...

Quota hampers rattan exports

The rattan export quota for the April - June 2011 period has not yet been issued so that rattan exports are now being ...

Non-oil exports icrease 12.88%

The Central Board of Statistics (BPS) said Indonesia`s non-oil commodity exports in March increased 12.88 percent to ...