
Collection of sekolah news, found 62 news.

Floods: more than 1,000 people evacuated in Kelantan

The number of evacuees in two flood-hit districts in Kelantan rose from 897 people Saturday night to 1,050 people ...

Sedikitnya 9.000 orang mengungsi hindari kekerasan di Nigeria utara

Sedikitnya 9.000 orang menyelamatkan diri akibat kekerasan di bagian utara Nigeria dan mereka melintas ke ...

Around 200 students take part in Nuclear Youth Summit

Around 200 students from various universities in the country are taking part in a Nuclear Youth Summit (NYS) 2013 ...

Indonesian students discuss international issues in United Nations model

Eight Indonesian high school students from the Sekolah Indonesia Nederland (SIN) in Wassenar, the Netherlands, are ...

More time is required to understand new curriculum

The Indonesian government is changing the national curriculum, and it is keen on implementing the new curriculum by ...

Myanmar bentuk komisi selidik insiden Rakhine

Pemerintah Myanmar membentuk satu komisi penyelidikan beranggotakan 27 orang guna mengungkap penyebab konflik di ...

President Yudhoyono calls for rehabilitation of damaged schools

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has called for the rehabilitation of 91,634 damaged schools, consisted of 61,697 ...

Portuguese President to promote relations with Indonesia

Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva is expected to promote his country's potentials to the Indonesian government ...

VP Boediono inspects 90 pct damaged school

Vice President Boediono inspected a state elementary school in Cibeber subdistrict, Cilegon city, Banten province, ...

Heavy school bags linked to back pain in children

Children with heavy school bags are facing a higher risk of back pain, a latest study revealed. A team of Spanish ...

RI govt to send 10,750 child workers to school in 2012

The government will send some 10,750 child workers back to school in 2012, an increase of 300 percent from last year`s ...

Government to support the Earth`s friend school

The Earth`s Friend School (EFS) or "Sekolah Sobat Bumi" Program initiated by Indonesian Oil Mining Company (Pertamina) ...

RI national school rehabilitation program to finish by 2013

The rehabilitation of school infrastructures in Indonesia is targeted to be completed by 2013, Education Minister ...

Eighty schools receive rehabilitation funds aid

Eighty schools in Manado, North Sulawesi, will receive funds for their physical rehabilitation from the Education ...

Korean gov`t to place more guards at schools to enhance sudents` safety

The government will place at least two security guards at each of the nation`s elementary, middle and high schools ...