#south lampung

Collection of south lampung news, found 165 news.

Densus 88 arrests three suspected terrorists in Gorontalo

The National Police`s counterterrorism squad, Densus 88, arrested three suspected terrorists in Ayumolingo Village, ...

Queen Maxima visits Lampung

Queen M?xima from the Netherlands has made a working visit to South Lampung, Lampung Province, as the UN ...

Cash for work program to increase buying power: President Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said he hoped his Cash for Work program currently being carried out in various regions ...

Some 492,934 Eid travelers have yet to return from Sumatra

Some 492,943 Eid al-Fitr or Lebaran travelers who had visited Sumatra have yet to return to Java Island through the ...

BI urges people to be wary of counterfeit currency

Money Management Director of Indonesian Bank (BI) Decymus has urged the people to be more wary and meticulous while ...

Agriculture minister calls on Bulog to purchase farmers` maize

Agriculture Minister Amran Sulaiman has urged state-owned logistics board (Bulog) to purchase the farmers maize at ...

Land acquisition for Trans-Sumatra Toll Road project reaches 75 percent

The land acquisition for the Trans-Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) project, notably the 140-kilometer Bakauheni-Terbanggi ...

House speaker hopes for Sumatra toll roads completion in 2018

House Speaker Setya Novanto hoped that the construction of Trans Sumatra Toll Road for Lampung section would be ...

Indonesian agricultural programs deemed successful in 2016

One of the aims of the Indonesian governments programs in 2016 was to advance the agricultural sector, in order to ...

Indonesia rice production reaches 79 million tons

Indonesia national production of unhulled rice rose to 79 million tons in 2016 from 74 million tons in 2015. ...

Govt prepares Rp1.2 tln for toll road land clearance: President Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said the government will prepare a fund of Rp1.2 trillion for land clearance to make ...

Military confiscates 168 firearms to secure Lampung

The Sriwijaya Regional Military Command has confiscated 168 firearms, including some home-made ones, over the past ...

President visits shipyard in Lampung

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) visited PT Daya Radar Utama (DRU) shipyard, located in Srengsem here on Friday. ...

Police shoot drug dealer for resisting arrest

The police in South Lampung, Lampung province, shot a drug dealer named Mulharyadi after he resisted arrest and ...

Construction of Trans-Sumatra Toll Road finally begins

The plan to construct the Trans-Sumatra Toll Road, which will stretch over two thousand kilometers from south to north ...