#sufmi dasco

Collection of sufmi dasco news, found 94 news.

New criminal code and respect for privacy, human rights

In response to public reactions to the passage of Indonesia's new criminal code, the government has made efforts to ...

Indonesian Criminal Code upholds human rights

Spokesperson of the Draft Law on Criminal Code (RKUHP) Dissemination Team Albert Aries stated that it is not true ...

Govt outreach tourism sectors following false news of adultery article

The Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry stated that it would outreach the tourism industry in Indonesia to ensure no ...

Spokesman gives clarification on adultery article of new criminal code

The Spokesman of the Dissemination Team of the Indonesian New Criminal Code, Albert Aries, has clarified that in the ...

Govt must ensure new Criminal Code does not hurt people: Legislator

The government must ensure that the implementation of the recently passed Criminal Code Law does not harm or ...

Parliament's plenary session passes Criminal Code Bill into law

The House of Representatives (DPR RI) passed the Criminal Code Bill into law during the parliament's plenary ...

G20 Indonesia

House lauds government over G20 Summit success

 Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR), Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, has praised the Indonesian government ...

Supreme Court should conduct internal improvements: Deputy Speaker

House of Representatives' (DPR's) Deputy Speaker Sufmi Dasco Ahmad urged Supreme Court (MA) to conduct ...

Government's firm stance crucial in acute kidney failure in children

Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR) Sufmi Dasco Ahmad urged the government to take a firm stance ...

DPR urges police to thoroughly probe ACT fund misuse case

Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Sufmi Dasco Ahmad has urged the police to thoroughly investigate the ...

Parliament ratifies bills for carving out new Papua provinces

The House of Representatives (DPR RI) passed three bills on the establishment of three new provinces in Papua into law ...

Parliament passes five provincial bills as law

The House of Representatives (DPR RI) has passed five provincial bills as law during a plenary session at the ...

DPR to seek public inputs on medical use of cannabis

The House of Representatives (DPR) will seek people’s views on a proposal for allowing the medicinal use of ...

DPR pushes discussing medicinal cannabis use in narcotics law revision

Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR RI) Deputy Speaker Sufmi Dasco Ahmad pushed for deliberation of medicinal ...

Study necessary over public's proposal for medicinal use of cannabis

The House of Representatives (DPR) drew attention to a comprehensive study to respond to the public's proposal for ...