#supreme court

Collection of supreme court news, found 557 news.

All milk brands in circulation safe for consumption

The government announced on Friday that all brands of milk circulating in Indonesia were safe for consumption and met ...

"Billions Worth" of treasure found in Indian Temple

A treasure trove of gold and silver jewelry, coins and precious stones said to be worth billions of dollars has been ...

Aceh party rejects independent candidates

The Aceh Party faction in the provincial legislative assembly or DPRA has rejected an article in a draft bylaw or ...

RI reacts strongly to Saudis beheading migrant worker

The beheading of Ruyati binti Satubi, an Indonesian female migrant worker, in Saudi Arabia, has prompted the ...

Ruyati executed for killing her employer`s wife

Ruyati binti Satubi was executed on Saturday in Saudi Arabia after the court found her guilty of having murdered her ...

Her passport, another mystery in Nunun`s case

Does Nunun Nurbaeti, the suspect in a high profile bribery case have more than one passport?. No, Adang ...

Myanmar, UNICEF cooperates in child rights affairs

Myanmar and the United Nations Children`s Fund (UNICEF) are cooperating in jurisdiction over minors and protection of ...

AGO suspicious of judge Syarifuddin since Agusrin`s acquittal

The Attorney General`s Office (AGO) has actually been suspicious of Judge Syarifuddin ever since he acquitted Bengkulu ...

Judicial Commission commends Supreme Court`s plan to fire a corrupt judge

The Judicial Commission (KY) which oversees the conduct of court judges lauds and appreciates the Supreme Court (MA)`s ...

Supreme court to suspend judge Syarifuddin over bribery case

The Supreme Court will issue a decree to suspend judge Syarifuddin recently caught by the Corruption Eradication ...

Press council chief hospitalized

Chief of the Press Council Baqir Manan was rushed to Pertamina hospital in South Jakarta on Friday night for having ...

KPK secures more than Rp2 billion after arresting judge

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) secured more than Rp2 billion in cash after arresting a judge who had ...

RI Supreme Court delegation in Sudan to forge cooperation

An Indonesian Supreme Court (MA) delegation led by MA Secretary M. Rum Nessa is currently visiting Sudan to establish ...

President delivers speech on Pancasila`s birth

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono delivered a speech to commemorate the birth of Indonesia`s state ideology of ...

Pakistan pm announces probe into bin Laden raid

Islamabad (ANTARA News/AFP - Pakistan`s prime minister Tuesday ordered an independent commission to investigate the ...