
Collection of bakauheni news, found 285 news.

Arus Balik

Large vehicles should use Jangkar Port rather than Ketapang Port

The Transportation Ministry will collaborate with several stakeholders to direct large goods vehicles to cross from ...

Police ready strategies to handle congestion on toll roads, ports

The National Police and other institutions have prepared strategies to handle heavy traffic on toll roads and ports ...

Eight ferries at Panjang Port for Eid homecoming return: Minister

As many as eight large-sized ferries have been readied at Panjang Port, Bandarlampung, to cater to passengers during ...

Minister advises public to return early or after congestion peak

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi urged the public to return early or after the peak of the Eid exodus return ...

BNPB supports health protocol monitoring posts in airports, seaports

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has supported health protocol monitoring command posts at airports and ...

Extraordinary surge in passengers at Merak Port: Minister

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy drew attention to an extraordinary surge in ...

Ministry prepares four strategies to handle passengers at Merak Port

The Ministry of Transportation implemented four strategies to reduce the number of vehicles at Merak Port, Cilegon, ...

Ministry, BNPB to inspect Garut Eid exodus route

Head of the National Disaster Management Agency Lt. Gen. Suharyanto and Coordinating Minister for Human Development and ...

Increase in air travel volume higher than other modes: ministry

The increase in the number of travelers using air transportation was higher compared to other modes of travel as of D-5 ...

Travelers should buy online tickets for Eid homecoming: Minister

State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Minister Erick Thohir reminded homecoming travelers to buy tickets online in order to ...

Responsive measures crucial for handling Eid exodus flow: Moeldoko

The Eid al-Fitr homecoming exodus flow should be handled in a more responsive manner to ensure that the exodus can run ...

News Focus

Ensuring smooth flow of homecoming travelers

Five days before the celebration of Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijri, travelers in Jakarta have begun thronging stations, ...

Three factors to determine smooth flow of homecoming travelers

The smooth flow of homecoming travelers this year will depend on three factors, according to Minister of Public Works ...

Minister recommends ticket price disparity at Merak Port during Eid

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi recommended a price disparity for tickets of ships from Merak to Bakauheni ...

Arus Mudik

Lampung SAR Agency deploys KN Basudewa to monitor Anak Krakatau

Lampung Province's National Search and Rescue (SAR) Agency has deployed the KN SAR 224 Basudewa ship to monitor ...