
Collection of breeding news, found 365 news.

Revenue and profit of dairy giant Yili up in the first three quarters of 2020

On October 29, Yili, the Asian dairy giant, posted RMB 73.77 billion in revenue and RMB 6.044 billion in net profit ...

Discover China: Hainan gibbons: Primate singers expand their forest stage

It first sounds like a whistle or birdsong, and within minutes the solo turns into a chorus with a melody reminiscent ...

News Feature

Outrage grows over Macron remarks

French President Emmanuel Macron's “anti-Islam" remarks while arguing for "freedom of ...

Indonesian diaspora to build tempe factory in Indiana, the US

An Indonesian diaspora will establish the first large-scale factory for tempe, or soybean cake, in the US state of ...

Central Sulawesi breeds rare, endemic maleo birds to boost population

The Central Sulawesi Natural Resources Conservation Office (BKSDA) has been breeding maleo birds to boost the ...

Indonesian farmers encouraged to develop integrated farming

The Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture encourages farmers to implement an integrated farming method to enable them to ...

Bengkulu conservation office releases slow loris, eagle into wild

The Bengkulu Natural Resources Conservation Office (BKSDA) released a male Sunda slow loris and a male black eagle into ...

News Focus

Preventing dengue, malaria to avoid double health burden amid corona

As Indonesia battles the novel coronavirus disease, another health threat looms for the tropical nation with the change ...

Corpse flower blooms in Cibodas Botanical Garden

A giant corpse flower (Amorphophallus titanum Becc.), reaching 291 centimeters in height, has bloomed once again in the ...

Government closes 56 conservation areas to contain COVID-19 spread

The government has closed 56 conservation areas for tourists under its endeavor to halt the further spread of the novel ...

Dengue fever claims 43 lives in NTT

Death toll from dengue fever in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) has reached 43, with the latest victim being a four-year-old ...

East Nusa Tenggara Health Office confirms 37 dengue fever deaths

Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) has claimed a total of 37 lives in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province, as of Wednesday ...

ZALL Smart Commerce Sends Medical Supplies from Across Asia to Fight the Outbreak

ZALL Smart Commerce Group (ZALL), the premier e-commerce group in Asia, is leading the charge to provide medical ...

Dozens of cattle in East Sumba starve to death

Dozens of cattle, especially horses, belonging to farmers in East Sumba district, East Nusa Tenggara, have reportedly ...

Forest overexploitation forcing tigers to newer grounds: Walhi

Over-exploitation of forests in Sumatra has compelled Sumatran tigers to flee their habitats, stray into human ...