
Collection of bullying news, found 188 news.

News Feature

ANTARA's top 10 songs for standing up against haters and bullies

Bullying and hate speech have become the bane of the world today, causing much pain to scores of people. Be it ...

Weekend Stories

Impact of female fictional characters as role models

The presence of role models is deemed an important aspect to ensure young women and girls feel empowered to pursue the ...

ANTARA's Choice

Unplug: taking a brief hiatus from social media

An iconic meme circulated online since 2015 shows an elderly woman pleased at watching something in a crowd, while ...

Weekend Stories

Strong commitment paramount to combating workplace sexual harassment

Workplace sexual harassment is among the most challenging and insidious issues since victims are oftentimes in a ...

News focus - Campaigning for disability-friendly strategies during APG By Otniel Tamindael

Each year, the number of people with disabilities in Indonesia continues to increase, and currently, it is estimated ...

Asian Games 2018

Asian Games - Sports minister urges Indonesians not to bully failed athletes

Youth and Sports Minister Imam Nahrawi has called on Indonesians not to bully and harass the country`s athletes, who ...

Indonesia supports Maritime Labour Convention amendment

Indonesia has expressed its support for the ratification of the amendment of Maritime Labor Convention (MLC) governing ...

Elections should not tarnish relations: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) appealed to the public not to damage their relationship only because of differences of ...

Indonesia renews commitment to end violence against children

The Indonesian government has renewed its commitment to continue to halt all forms of violence against children during ...

President calls on children to not conduct bullying

Indonesian President Joko Widodo called on children in the country here on Sunday to avoid conducting bullying. ...

Jakarta`s voters demonstrate democratic maturity

Political tensions rode high during campaigning for the second round of Jakartas gubernatorial election (pilkada) in ...

Digital volunteers successful in influencing young voters: Researcher

Digital volunteers have been successful in influencing the younger generation in the recently-concluded gubernatorial ...

China says "really needs" S China sea defences in face of United States

China "really needs" its defences in the South China Sea in the face of a militarisation process being pushed by the ...

President agrees to issue presidential decree over child violence

President Joko Widodo has agreed to issue a Perppu (government regulation in lieu of law) and a presidential ...

President calls to impart public education to prevent bullying

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on imparting public education to prevent cases of child bullying and ...