
Collection of dana news, found 143 news.

Densus 88 finds tens of explosives in house of bombers

The police`s special anti terrorist squad (Densus 88) and bomb squad (Gegana) found tens of explosives in the house of ...

President optimistic of poverty rate reaching single digit

President Joko Widodo expressed optimism here on Tuesday that the poverty rate would decline to a single digit ...

ADB biayai investasi geothermal 175,3 juta dolar AS di Indonesia

Bank Pembangunan Asia (ADB) menandatangani perjanjian pinjaman sekitar 175,3 juta dolar AS pada Senin dengan PT ...

Sebelas negara tanda tangani kesepakatan perdagangan Trans-Pasifik

Sebelas negara diharapkan menandatangani sebuah perjanjian perdagangan Asia-Pasifik di Santiago, Chile pada Kamis, ...

Lima penimbun emas terbesar di dunia, AS pertama Rusia kelima

Rusia menjadi pemilik emas terbesar kelima di dunia, setelah bulan lalu Bank Sentral Rusia (CBR) meningkatkan cadangan ...

Harga minyak naik didorong ekspektasi peningkatan permintaan

Harga minyak dunia berakhir lebih tinggi pada Selasa (Rabu pagi WIB), karena para investor melihat tanda-tanda ...

IMF bantu Bank Sentral Afghanistan perbaiki sistem keuangan

Dana Moneter Internasional (IMF) mengatakan bahwa organisasi moneter terkemuka itu akan memberikan nasehat dan ...

Amien Sunaryadi, “we need to work faster, be more efficient and together with all players”

- The Oil and Gas Year sits down with the head of SKK Migas to talk about the institution’s contribution to ease ...

The Ministry of Energy and The Oil & Gas Year to boost foreign investment in Indonesia

Indonesia is facing a crucial momentum. The country is involved in a series of reforms oriented to fulfill the demands ...

NGO calls for firm action against illegal logging in Mt Leuser area

Indonesian Environmental Forum (Walhi) has urged legal enforcers to take firm action against illegal logging ...

Indonesia-Australia fashion business continues to increase: Consul

The Indonesian-Australian fashion business has the potential to keep increasing as it is also supported by such a ...

Indonesian-Australian designers collaboration enchants people in Sydney

The collaboration of five Indonesian fashion designers and a leading Australian designer at the Second ...

Herbalife nutrition study reveals alarming lack of nutrition, hydration and exercise among adults

- Herbalife, a global nutrition company, has released the findings from its Asia Pacific Balanced Nutrition Survey1, ...

Herbalife Nutrition and Special Olympics announce $1 million fitness collaboration

- Herbalife (NYSE: HLF), a global nutrition company, today announced a $1 million collaboration with ...

Government issues Samurai bonds valued at 100 billion yens

The government said it will issue Samurai bonds valued at 100 billion yens to raise fund to help plug up deficit in ...