#democrat party

Collection of democrat party news, found 649 news.

Golkar believes its chairman`s electability to rise

Golkar believes electability of its general chairman, Aburizal Bakrie, would rise although it is now still at number ...

"I will never give up my idealism"

The Constitutional Court chief justice, Mahfud MD, has stated that he will never trade his idealism for a political ...

Supreme Court increases Nazaruddin`s sentence to seven years

The Supreme Court has denied the conviction appeal of Nazaruddin, the former politician and legislator from the ruling ...

Yudhoyono inducts new sports minister

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono installed Roy Suryo Notodiprojo here on Tuesday as the new youth and sports ...

General elections expected to be more orderly in 2014

The next general elections in 2014 are expected to be more orderly and smoother with only ten political parties ...

Competition to be tight in 2014 : Yudhoyono

President Susilo Yudhoyono in Jakarta has said that competition would be very tight in the presidential elections in ...

Four Democrat Party faction members resign

Four members of the Democrat Party faction at the Yogyakarta city legislative body have resigned in protest against ...

Democrat yet to name nominees for sports minister

Democrat Party has yet to decide names of its figures who will replace Andi Malarangeng as Youth and Sports Minister, ...

President to announce new sports minister

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said he will announce Indonesia`s Youth and Sports Minister soon. The new ...

52 political party cadres mired in corruption cases: ICW

The Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) said it recorded 52 cadres of political parties mired in corruption cases in ...

Democrat party`s chief patron calls for preparations for 2014 elections

The ruling Democrat Party`s chief patron, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, called on party cadres here on Saturday to prepare ...

Democrat to announce presidential candidate next year

The ruling Democrat Party plans to announce its presidential and vice presidential candidates for the election in 2014 ...

No indication of toppling of President Yudhoyono

A survey institute director has stated that there are no indications that suggest the toppling of President Susilo ...

Democrat assures it does not intervene in Malarangeng`s resignation

The Democrat Party gave the assurance on Friday it had not intervened in the resignation of Youth and Sports Minister ...

Sports minister resigns after being suspected of corruption

Two days before the anniversary of the International Anti-Corruption Day on December 9, Indonesians are shocked by ...