
Collection of facility news, found 3.406 news.

Hartarto attends meeting with Europe, South Korea during G7 Summit

Coordinating Economic Affairs Minister Airlangga Hartarto accompanied President Joko Widodo to a bilateral meeting with ...

Bio Farma opens vaccine technology transfer with Ghana

State-owned pharmaceutical company PT Bio Farma has opened the opportunity for vaccine technology transfer with the ...

OIKN plans to set up solar powerhouse at Nusantara

The Nusantara State Capital Authority (OIKN) is preparing to establish a solar power plant facility or solar farm in ...

Bio Farma prepares COVID-19 vaccine production for long-term needs

State-run pharmaceutical company PT Bio Farma is preparing for COVID-19 vaccine production to support long-term needs ...

Minister officiates first public service mall in Jayapura

Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Minister Abdullah Azwar Anas officiated the first public service mall (MPP) in ...

Indonesia inaugurates first non-thermal PCB processing machine

Indonesia's Environment and Forestry Ministry on Wednesday inaugurated its first non-thermal polychlorinated ...

BRIN invites private sector to develop nuclear power plants

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) is opening opportunities for the private sector to cooperate with ...

Jokowi believes vocational schools useful in driving nation's progress

Vocational high schools (SMK) are the key to the country's progress, according to President Joko Widodo ...

News Focus

Indonesia prepares to enter the carbon market

Wearing black sneakers, black pants, and a white long-sleeved shirt with rolled-up sleeves, President Joko Widodo ...

Jakarta to revoke KJP Plus benefits of students who smoke

The Jakarta provincial government has announced that it will temporarily revoke the Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) Plus ...

BRIN unveils SeBaRis to facilitate research institutions

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) unveiled the Research Institution Registration System (SeBaRis) to ...

Seamless Integration of Multiple Technologies Necessary for Southeast Asia to Achieve Carbon Neutrality: Black & Veatch

Southeast Asia must continue to prioritize the integration of renewable energy and the addition of new natural gas ...

Bio Farma, US pharma company cooperate for HPV vaccine production

State-owned pharmaceutical holding company Bio Farma is collaborating with Merck Sharp Dohme (MSD), one of the largest ...

Karnawati to prioritize climate change issue if elected WMO President

Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Head Dwikorita Karnawati affirmed that addressing the ...

APEC steers greener future for automotive industry

APEC member economies are steering the region’s automotive industry and mobility development to a greener, safer, ...