#golkar party

Collection of golkar party news, found 923 news.

Political, business intervention into KPK must stop: Legislator

Political forces and businessmen should stop co-opting the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) so that it would be ...

Aburizal`s nomination for president only matter of time: Idrus

A Golkar Party official said Aburizal Bakrie`s nomination as the party`s candidate for the presidential election in ...

Kalla says political parties must win public trust

Former vice president Jusuf Kalla said a political party that wins public trust will be successful. "Who is ...

Golkar loses three influential cadres to Nasdem

A Golkar Party executive said that the party had lost three of its important cadres to the National Democrat (Nasdem) ...

Legislators to observe Baduy tribe village in Banten

A team of 14 legislators will conduct a tree-day working visit beginning on Monday to the village of the Baduy ...

Democrat Party determinant factor in parliamentary threshold issue

A political observer said the ruling Democrat Party`s stance will be the determinant factor in the parliamentary ...

Some 18 figures to vie for PSSI chairmanship

Saturday (July 9, 2011) is a day much awaited by many people as the All-Indonesia Soccer Association (PSSI) at its ...

Golkar to revoke membership of cadres in Nasdem

The Golkar Party will immediately revoke the membership of its cadres known to have joined the National Demokrat ...

Golkar to conduct "exorcism" over nation`s moral crisis

The Golkar Party is to conduct a ruwatan (exorcism) ceremony on the nation`s behalf at the Majapahit archaelogical ...

House legislation body fails to agree on parliamentary threshold

The House of Representatives (DPR)`s Legislation Body (Baleg) failed at a plenary session on Monday to reach a ...

Priyo mentions three names suitable for Bareskrim chief

House of Representatives (DPR) Deputy Speaker Priyo Budi Santoso said three police officers deserved to succeed ...

Golkar urges govt to renegotiate mining work contracts

Golkar Party Associate Chairman Priyo Budi Santoso said his party had urged the government to renegotiate soon all ...

Tender for C Java power plant under threat of repetition

The tender for the construction of a US$3.2 billion thermal power plant in Pemalang district, Central Java, is under a ...

Soeharto deserves national hero status

Former President Soeharto`s merits in developing the Indonesian state and nation were outstanding and therefore he ...

Her passport, another mystery in Nunun`s case

Does Nunun Nurbaeti, the suspect in a high profile bribery case have more than one passport?. No, Adang ...