#golkar party

Collection of golkar party news, found 923 news.

NII hasalready infiltrated political parties

A former minister for production of the Indonesian Islamic State (NII) movement, Imam Supriyanto. said NII activists ...

Deputy house speaker urges govt to root out NII networks

Deputy House of Representatives Speaker Priyo Budi Santoso has urged the government to immediately root out NII ...

RI govt`s plan to acquire Newmont stake draws protests

The government`s decision to acquire a seven percent stake in PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (NNT) which operates the Batu ...

Golkar providing business guidance, loans to people

The Golkar Party is helping to empower the people in economic terms by providing them with business guidance and ...

Legislator calls on house speaker to postpone new building plan

Golkar Party legislator Bambang Soesatyo has called on House Speaker Marzuki Alie to be wise in handling the plan to ...

Aburizal: Golkar to remain in coalition

The general chairman of Golkar Party, Aburizal Bakrie, said the party would remain in the coalition to support the ...

Legislators initiate petition against new parliament building

Several legislators from different parties, initiated a petition to scrap the planned construction of a new Parliament ...

Legislator urges Pertamina chief to resign

The president director of PT Pertamina should resign following the fire that gutted three Pertamina fuel tanks at unit ...

RI state intelligence: picture identical with Umar Patek`s

The chief of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), Sutanto, said here on Thursday that the picture sent by the ...

President Yudhoyono inaugurates OSO Sports Center

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono inaugurated the OSO Sports Center at Grand Wisata housing complex, Bekasi, ...

President calls for better performances of Indonesian karatekas

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has called on karate athletes to improve their performances nationally and ...

President still sees no urgency to reshuffle cabinet

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono still sees no urgency to reshuffle the cabinet, his spokesman said. "As far as ...

Coalition air strikes on Libya draw condemnation in Indonesia

The western coalition`s air strikes on Libya have been denounced as unacceptable by various parties in Indonesia ...

Western air strikes violate Libya`s sovereignty

Theo L Sambuaga, a Golkar party politician, condemned the Coalition`s air strikes against Libya, considering the ...

President opens PKB national working confab

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Tuesday morning opened a national working conference and 2011 ...