
Collection of italy news, found 1.223 news.

News focus - No significant progress in Tanjung Lesung development

The development of the Tanjung Lesung Special Economic Zone (SEZ) should have been accelerated, but in reality, it has ...

News Feature - Bokori tourism island continues to attract visitors by Otniel Tamindael

After having been developed into one of the mainstay tourist destinations in the Indonesian province of Southeast ...

Tourist visits to Southeast Sulawesi can reach 2018 target: Govt

The Southeast Sulawesi provincial government is optimistic of the number of tourist visits to the province in 2018 ...

Fishery company seeking realization of export commitments

State fishery company Perusahaan Umum Perikanan Indonesia (Perum Perindo) is seeking confirmation of fish export plans ...

Indonesia predicted to break into rank of 4 largest flight market

Indonesia will break into the ranks of four largest global flight markets in 2030, The International Air Transport ...

Italian firms conclude contracts worth us$40 million at TEI

Three Italian companies doing business in paper and furniture products concluded business transactions worth US$41.6 ...

First day of trade expo marked with 44 trade contracts

The first days on Wednesday of the international Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) 2018 held at the Indonesia Convention ...

EU ambassadors visit Palu to express solidarity

A delegation of European Union (EU) Heads of Mission visited Palu in Central Sulawesi on Friday to express solidarity ...

Indonesian embassy holds promotion of Wonderful Indonesia in Italy

The Ministry of Tourism and the Indonesian Embassy in Rome collaborated with six tour operators offering various ...

IFAD president lauds Indonesia's village fund program

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) President Gilbert Houngbo has commended the success of the ...

IFAD President lauds Indonesia`s village development model

President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Gilbert Houngbo has praised the Indonesian ...

IMF-WB - Indonesia, Asean-5 economies to grow 5.2 percent next year

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) projected that Indonesia called as the ASEAN-5 economies along with Malaysia, ...

News Feature - Iswadi Suhari, a farmer`s son who becomes FAO`s top official

Iswadi Suhari Mawabagja is an ordinary citizen, who grew up in a small village far away from Jakarta, but he now ...

Indonesia shares experiences in being IORA chair at Italian Expo

Indonesia has shared its experiences as the Chair of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) for the 2015-2017 period ...

Hong Kong Optical Fair opens next month

- Asia's premier Hong Kong Optical Fair will be held from 7-9 Nov 2018 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition ...