#marine space

Collection of marine space news, found 64 news.

G20 Indonesia

Ministry unveils new-fangled strategies in blue economy at G20 event

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Ministry introduced three blue economy strategies and action plans at the G20 ...

Govt applies five blue economy strategies to maximize marine potential

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Sakti Wahyu Trenggono spoke of his ministry having implemented five blue ...

BP Batam gets permit to revitalize Batu Ampar harbor pond

  The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry has granted a Confirmation of Sea Spatial Conformity permit to the ...

Jokowi issues Natuna Sea zoning regulation to boost border security

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has issued Presidential regulation No. 41/2022 on Plan of North Natuna and Natuna Sea ...

Zoning 12 inter-regional sea areas targeted for completion by 2024

The Indonesian government has targeted to complete the plan of zoning 12 inter-regional sea areas (RZ KAW) by ...

Managing Emerald of Equator for sustainable investment

Indonesia is often called Emerald of the Equator owing to the beauty of its maritime attractions, including Bunaken in ...

Victim protection agency logged highest submissions in 2021

The Victims and Witness Protection Agency (LPSK) acknowledged having received the highest number of requests and ...

Perpres on marine space zoning plans expedites investment: Minister

Issuance of three presidential regulations (Perpres) on zoning plan for Java Sea, Sulawesi Sea, and Tomini Bay ...

Ministry ensures electricity provision to Singapore well-regulated

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has ensured that state electricity firm PT PLN's agenda to ...

Jakarta vows to maximize economic potential in coastal, island areas

The Jakarta administration remains resolute to maximizing the economic potential in coastal and island territories ...

Expect Mempawah mangrove forest to become ecotourism site: BRGM

The Agency of Peat and Mangrove Restoration (BRGM) has said it expects the rehabilitated mangrove forest in Mempawah ...

Indonesia ensures Blue Financing Strategy supports archipelagic states

Indonesia has striven to ensure that the Blue Financing Strategy can support archipelagic states to grow their ...

Indonesian Navy reiterates urgency of continental shelf bill

Indonesian Navy's Chief of Staff Admiral Yudo Margono presented the Navy’s official views on the proposed ...

Marine space management will lead to blue economy application: govt

Programs related to marine space structuring in national waters will lead to the application of blue economy concepts ...

Govt pushing subsea cable corridors to prevent conflict: official

The Indonesian government has emphasized that the arrangement of submarine cables and pipelines is aimed at preventing ...