#new renewable energy

Collection of new renewable energy news, found 290 news.

Quality human resources highly needed in energy transition: minister

Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif emphasized the importance of good quality human resources to ...

Open to inputs regarding National Education System Bill: Ministry

The Education, Culture, Research and Technology Ministry is open to ideas and opinions on the National Education System ...

Amazon announces 71 new renewable energy projects globally, including firsts in Brazil, India, and Poland

Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) announced that it is expanding its renewable energy portfolio globally, with an additional 2.7 ...

Hope younger generation will switch to electric stoves: minister

It is hoped that the younger generation will be more open to using electric stoves as part of the shift to an ...

Indonesia needs US$1.1 bln investment for net-zero commitment: govt

Indonesia will need US$1.108 billion in investment to support the achievement of net-zero emissions (NZE) by 2060, ...

MPR encourages comprehensive education on new, renewable energy use

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Deputy Speaker Lestari Moerdijat encouraged the government to consistently and ...

Indonesia bags 10 awards at ASEAN Energy Awards

Indonesia clinched 10 awards in several categories at the 2022 ASEAN Energy Awards (AEA), which were announced ...

News Focus

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions through renewable energy development

The increase in greenhouse gas concentration levels in the atmosphere as a result of human activities has caused global ...

Renewable energy development key for tamping down emissions: minister

Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif has emphasized the importance of developing new and renewable ...

Presidential regulation on EBT power tariffs expected this week

President Joko Widodo has signed a presidential regulation (Perpres) concerning new and renewable energy (EBT) ...

New, renewable energy power plants' installed capacity reaches 12 GW

The number of new and renewable energy plants had continued to increase over the last five years, with the current ...

State budget allocation for social assistance appropriate: Official

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) believes the government acted aptly by allocating 25 percent of the state ...

Only 0.3% of Indonesia's new, renewable energy potential utilized

While Indonesia’s renewable energy potential is estimated at 3,686 gigawatts (GW), only 0.3 percent, or 11.5 GW, ...

Hutama Karya expedites completion of two power plant projects

State-run construction firm PT Hutama Karya (Persero) will accelerate the completion of two mega-projects, the Lambur ...

SOEs Minister urges Indonesians to reduce reliance on fuel oil

Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Erick Thohir during an interview here on Wednesday, urged ...