#petrol station

Collection of petrol station news, found 14 news.

G20 Indonesia

Indonesian Navy to deploy warships, personnel to secure G20 Summit

The Indonesian Navy's Chief of Staff  Admiral Yudo Margono  has said that 12 warships will be deployed in ...

Government formulates fuel subsidy adjustment scheme : Minister

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said the government is formulating a ...

Pertamina moves to handle fuel leak from Cilacap pipeline

State-run oil firm PT Pertamina is taking measures to handle a fuel leak reported at the Cilacap-Bandung (CB) 3 ...

Pertamina to help Papuan customers register for subsidized fuel

PT Pertamina Patra Niaga will disseminate information among the Papuan community, especially owners of four-wheeled ...

Revised regulation on Pertalite distribution to be completed by Aug

The revised presidential regulation on oil fuel price, which regulates subsidized fuel distribution, will be completed ...

MyPertamina registration conducted online or at petrol station

Residents owning four-wheeled vehicles that use subsidized fuel Pertalite or Bio Solar can register their MyPertamina ...

Central Java BNN thwarts shipping of 50 kilograms of marijuana

Officers from the National Narcotics Agency's (BNN's) Central Java office foiled an attempt to ship 50 ...

President hears fishermen's concerns in Cirebon

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) heard the aspirations and concerns of fishermen in Bandengan village, Cirebon district, ...

Lawmaker calls for sanctions on industry actors using subsidized fuel

The government and relevant authorities must be firm in imposing sanctions against industry actors who continue to use ...

Pertamina ensures adequate fuel stocks before 2022 New Year period

An official of state-owned oil company Pertamina has made assurance that the nationwide supplies of gasoline, gas oil ...

Pertamina petrol stations urged to follow SOP on public facilities

House of Representatives' (DPR RI's) Commission VI member Rafli urged operators of Pertamina petrol stations to ...

Israel seizes Palestinian land for settlement: NGO

Israel has confiscated about 20 hectares (50 acres) of Palestinian land in the West Bank in order to give official ...

At least 20 injured in explosion in Kenyan capital

A petrol station in downtown Nairobi was burning on Sunday after an explosion was heard in the area, Kenyan media ...

Triple attacks on Shiite pilgrims in Iraq kill 12

Three car bombs ripped through crowds near Iraq`s shrine city of Karbala on Monday, killing 12 people and wounding ...