
Collection of sanction news, found 457 news.

Some 18 figures to vie for PSSI chairmanship

Saturday (July 9, 2011) is a day much awaited by many people as the All-Indonesia Soccer Association (PSSI) at its ...

Golkar to revoke membership of cadres in Nasdem

The Golkar Party will immediately revoke the membership of its cadres known to have joined the National Demokrat ...

US slaps sanctions on Syrian security body

Washington said Wednesday it was setting sanctions on Syria`s Political Security Directorate for human rights abuses, ...

Sports Minister, FIFA VP discuss PSSI congress

Youth and Sports Minister Andi Mallarangeng held a meeting with FIFA Vice President Prince Ali bin Al Hussein here ...

FIFA vp to meet sports minister

FIFA Vice President Prince Ali bin Al Hussein is set to meet with Youth and Sports Minister Andi Mallarangeng and ...

FIFA vice president to visit Indonesia

FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) Vice President Prince Ali bin Al Hussein will visit Jakarta ...

Russia rejects any U.N. Security Council resolution against Syria

Russia on Thursday renewed rejection of any U.N. Security Council resolution against Syria as the situation in the ...

Maluku to continue supporting George Toisutta for PSSI chief

Indonesia may still have to overcome some hurdles before it can elect a new chief for its football association.The ...

Sports minister to talk with all groups over football crisis

Youth and Sports Minister Andi Mallarangeng said here on Thursday he was ready to talk with any group including Group ...

RI trying to avoid FIFA sanctions

Indonesia is trying to avoid sanctions from the world`s football governing body FIFA following its failure to set up ...

RI to ask for FIFA`s benevolence

Indonesia will ask world soccer organization FIFA not to impose a sanction on the Indonesian Soccer Association (PSSI) ...

Sports minister ready to meet Blatter over PSSI problem

Youth and Sports Minister Andi Malaranggeng on Tuesday said he is ready to meet with FIFA President Sepp Blatter in ...

Eu imposes new sanctions on Iran

The EU tightened its sanctions on Iran on Monday, adding more than 100 firms to a blacklist of companies hit by an ...

EU imposes sanctions on Syrian President Assad

The European Union imposed sanctions on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and other senior officials on Monday, raising ...

East Kalimantan soccer fans to sue Group 78

East Kalimantan soccer fans said they will sue "group 78" for causing a deadlock in the PSSI (Indonesian Soccer ...