
Collection of syria news, found 1.271 news.

53 ISIS supporters return to Indonesia: Security minister

A senior security minister said here on Thursday that 53 Indonesian citizens who earlier supported ISIS have returned ...

Ambassador assures safety of travel in Jordan

Jordan Ambassador to Indonesia Walid Al Hadid ensures the safety of tour and travel in Jordan, despite its ...

Indonesian people should stay alert against ISIS: Minister

Indonesias Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu urged the Indonesian people to remain alert about the threat that the ...

The world’s 3rd largest book fair to host 1,420 publishing houses displaying 1.5 million titles in Sharjah

- This year’s Sharjah International Book Fair (SIBF.

Four named as suspects for trying to send Indonesians to Syria

Police have named four suspects for trying to send Indonesian citizens to Syria to join the Islamic State of Iraq and ...

Syrian army recaptures key Palestinian refugee camp in Aleppo

Syrian forces backed by Palestinian groups succeeded Saturday to recapture a camp of Palestinian refugees in the ...

U.S. forces hit ISIL targets in Syria: Envoy

US forces hit ISIL targets overnight near Turkeys border with Syria using a newly deployed mobile rocket system, a ...

Uzbekistan buries President Islam Karimov

Islam Karimov, president of Uzbekistan for the past quarter of a century, was buried in his home city of Samarkand on ...

Police arrest suspected terrorist in Batam

Indonesian police have arrested a suspected terrorist of the Katibah Gigih Rahmat (KGR) group in Batam, Sumatras Riau ...

Fewer migrants entered Germany illegally in August: Police

Fewer migrants entered Germany illegally in August than during any other month this year, a police spokeswoman said on ...

Indonesia, Syria replant friendship forest

The Indonesian Embassy in Damascus, Syria, replanted the Indonesia-Syria Friendship Forest in Dimas city, Damascus ...

FTFs pose grave threat to global peace, security

Watch out for individual terrorists returning home after fighting alongside terror groups overseas such as the Islamic ...

Foreign terrorists are threat to every nation: Suhardi Alius

The phenomenon of foreign terrorist fighters has become a threat to every nation, Chief of the Indonesia National ...

Indonesian traditional dances performed in Teoloyucan, Mexico

Several Indonesian traditional dances were performed at the Festival Internacional Tratados de Teoloyucan in ...

BNPT, US delegation discuss counter-terrorism

The head of the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT), Commissioner General Suhardi Alius, met with a US delegation ...