#tree planting activity

Collection of tree planting activity news, found 28 news.

President plants macadamia nut tree in North Sumatra village

President Joko Widodo on Thursday planted macadamia nut trees in Simangulampe Village, Humbang Hasundutan ...

President makes working visit to Cilacap, Central Java

President Joko Widodo made a working visit to Cilacap district, Central Java province on Thursday morning to ...

Tree planting movement to support food sovereignty program

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo attended a national commemoration of Indonesian Tree Planting Day (HMPI) 2014 and ...

news focus: world youths to promote environment in Bandung

Some 1,300 children and youths aged 15 to 25 years from 120 countries will gather in the West Java city of Bandung ...

Garuda Cares About Forest Preservation

To make a valuable contribution to the fight against global climate change, state-owned airline company PT Garuda ...

Garuda cares about forest reservation

To make a valuable contribution to the fight against global climate change, state-owned airline company PT Garuda ...

Garuda cares about forest reservation

To make a valuable contribution to the fight against global climate change, state-owned airline company PT Garuda ...

Garuda plants thousands of trees at Gunung Padang

National flag carrier Garuda Indonesia Airlines planted thousands of trees at Gunung Padang forests in West Sumatra ...

Billions of trees to be planted across Indonesia

Realizing that tree-planting can make a valuable contribution to the fight against global warming, the Forestry ...

Indonesian Youth launches plant one billion trees campaign

Indonesian National Youth Committee (KNPI) chairman Aziz Syamsuddin launched a Youth Movement to Plant One Billion ...

Deltomed plants 5,000 trees in Mt Merapi area

PT Deltomed Laboratories in collaboration with the Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, has ...

Kaltim green policy supported by planting 17.5 million trees

The East Kalimantan provincial government has planned to plant 17.5 million trees of various kinds to support Kaltim ...

Minister supports "Kaltim Green" Policy

Environment Minister Gusti Muhammad Hatta said he fully supported the East Kalimantan provincial government`s "Kaltim ...