
Collection of turtle news, found 120 news.

Two green turtles released into Aceh's Banyak Island waters

Two of the four green turtles (Chelonia mydas) rescued from hunters on June 29 were released into the waters of ...

Gravity Launches New 3D Platformer Game 'ALTF42' Worldwide

Gravity, a global game company, announced its global launch of the new 3D platformer 'ALTF42' on the Steam ...

World Water Forum 2024

World Water Forum: 2,500 delegates partaking in water purification ritual

Around 2,500 delegates of the 10th World Water Forum are taking part in Segara Kerthi, a Balinese traditional water ...

Bali installs traditional 'penjor' on routes passed by WWF delegates

The Bali provincial government installed traditional penjor, or decorated bamboo poles, on the routes that will be ...

"Hong Kong Pet Show 2024" opens

The "Hong Kong Pet Show 2024", organized by the Exhibition Group and historically the largest in scale with ...

"Hong Kong Pet Show 2024" opens

The "Hong Kong Pet Show 2024", organized by the Exhibition Group and historically the largest in scale with ...

Agency secures 230 sea turtle eggs from MV Leuser's passenger

- lay their eggs in several of the country's coastal areas. The Indonesian waters are also the most crucial ...

US, China both are important partners to Indonesia: Ministry

Indonesia views both the United States and China, two superpowers competing for global hegemony, as important partners ...

Police HQ plants thousands of trees to commemorate Independence Day

The Indonesian National Police Headquarters (Mabes Polri) along with the East Java Regional Police planted trees at the ...

West Kalimantan BKSDA thwarts illegal trade of protected songbirds

The West Kalimantan Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) foiled an attempt to illegally trade 63 protected ...

Bappenas ensures economic, ecological balance in marine conservation

The National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) said it ensures a balance in marine conservation management by ...

Preserving Indonesia's optimism of conserving 30-percent marine areas

The 12-meter-high monitoring tower that stands among the mangrove trees on Ceningan Island, Klungkung District, Bali ...

Trade Minister Hasan opens 2023 Bhinneka Culture Festival in Bali

Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan opened the 2023 Bhinneka Culture Festival at German Beach in Badung District, Bali, on ...

Indonesia supports adoption of BBNJ agreement

Indonesia's government supports adoption of the Agreement on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine ...

Sea turtle conservation action plan needs scientific data support: KKP

The formulation of national and regional action plan for sea turtle conservation needs scientific data support and ...