#un women

Collection of un women news, found 93 news.

Weekend Stories

When it is raining: Create a weekend book club

“Do not be angry with the rain; it simply does not know how to fall upwards.” Vladimir Nabokov, a ...

Mary Kay advances commitment to global female empowerment at United Nations Global Compact Gender Equality Forum

- In its ongoing commitment to female empowerment and entrepreneurship, Mary Kay Inc., alongside Warner Bros., Qualcomm ...

UN Women praises Gojek on women's security guarantees

UN Women, the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women, has praised Gojek's ...

Anti-sexual violence bill crucial weapon in fight against rape culture

A young girl in college had to bury her dreams of being a literature graduate as she had been raped by a famous poet ...

Mary Kay, in collaboration with UN Agencies, launches women’s entrepreneurship accelerator

- Today, Mary Kay Inc., a leading advocate of women’s empowerment and entrepreneurship, announced the Women’s ...

Indonesia to organize training for women as agents of peace

In order to improve the role and participation of women in the peace process, including conflict prevention, conflict ...

Wahid Foundation, UN Women launch guidelines for peaceful villages

The Wahid Foundation in collaboration with UN Women launched guidelines for the implementation of nine indicators for ...

UN lauds Indonesia`s progress on human rights implementation

The United Nations` High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet has expressed her appreciation towards the ...

Yenny addresses Paris Peace Forum on women`s role

Yenny Wahid, daughter of former President Abdurrahman Wahid, will deliver a speech on women`s roles at the Paris Peace ...

Sharjah emphasises once again that youth are key to peace and prosperity in MENA region

- Sharjah, the third largest emirate in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has shed the spotlight, once again, on the role ...

Nadia Murad to speak at Sharjah conference aimed at boosting opportunities for MENA’s youth

- In the run up to one of MENA region’s premier conferences dedicated to addressing development challenges and ...

Marsudi highlights importance of empowerment of women as peace agents

Indonesia has stressed the importance of empowerment of women as the agents of peace in an effort to combat radicalism ...

Educational equity becomes biggest challenge to empower women: ICW

Educational equity became the biggest challenge in a bid to empower women across the world, according to Vice ...

Chairperson of Kowani elected as one of ICW`s vice presidents

Chairperson of the Indonesian Women`s Congress (Kowani) Giwo Rubianto Wiyogo was elected as one of the vice presidents ...

Yogyakarta ready to host 35th general assembly of ICW

Yogyakarta, a special regional administration in Java Island, is ready to host the 35th General Assembly of ...