
Collection of wukuf news, found 18 news.

News Feature

Profound experiences of becoming Hajj guests of King Salman

Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam and a form of worship that capable Muslims must perform. The pillars of Hajj consist ...

Hajj overnight stay in Armuzna speeds up movement: Indonesian minister

Indonesia's Minister of Religious Affairs Yaqut Cholil Qoumas said that Murur (overnight stay) during the Hajj ...

Some 44 police officers deployed to serve Indonesian Hajj pilgrims

Indonesia's National Police (Polri) has assigned 44 personnel to serve as Indonesian Hajj Management Committee ...

209,934 Hajj pilgrims, officials arrive in Saudi Arabia so far

The Religious Affairs Ministry disclosed here on Monday that at least 209,934 Indonesian Hajj pilgrims and Hajj ...

Making Hajj elderly friendly

Just like last year, the Ministry of Religious Affairs is promoting elderly-friendly Hajj this pilgrimage ...

Indonesian Hajj pilgrims to depart for Saudi Arabia from May 12

The Ministry of Religious Affairs announced that the departure of Indonesians to Saudi Arabia for the Hajj pilgrimage ...

Hajj pilgrimage: 61 pct of Indonesian pilgrims undergo health checks

Religious Affairs Minister Yaqut Cholil Qoumas stated on Saturday that 61 percent of Indonesia's prospective Hajj ...

Departure of Hajj pilgrims to begin from May 24: minister

The departure of prospective Indonesian Hajj pilgrims to Medina is scheduled to start from May 24, 2023, Religious ...

Cooling vests proving helpful for Hajj pilgrims: minister

Cooling vests have proved useful in saving Hajj pilgrims from heatstroke while performing the wuquf ritual in the plain ...

49,152 Hajj pilgrims have left for Saudi Arabia: ministry

The Ministry of Religious Affairs has reported that at least 49,152 Indonesian Hajj pilgrims have left for Saudi Arabia ...

Ministry asks Hajj pilgrims to limit activities before departure

The Health Ministry has urged Hajj pilgrims to limit their activities to avoid the risk of coronavirus exposure before ...

327 Indonesians residing in Saudi Arabia register for Hajj: official

A total of 327 Indonesian citizens residing in Saudi Arabia have registered as prospective pilgrims for the 2021 Hajj ...

Weekend Stories

Hajj pilgrimage in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic

On Wednesday (July 29), or 8 Dhu al-Hijjah 1441 Hijri, pilgrims congregated in Mina, Mecca, to perform the Tarwiyah ...

East Arafat hospital provides Indonesian translators

East Arafat Hospital, located in Masya`ir area, covering Mina, Arafah, and Muzdalifah, which is one of the hundreds of ...

Hundred more health facilities provided for hajj pilgrims

The Saudi Arabian Health Ministry has prepared 17 hospitals and 93 health clinics, with thousands of doctors and ...