
Collection of eko news, found 742 news.

Indonesia maintains tradition of winning gold medals

Indonesia has been able to maintain its tradition of winning gold medals in the World Taekwondo Hanmadang 2013 ...

Aceh`s quake injures 275, killing 30

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) on Thursday reported the death toll of Aceh`s earthquake rose to 30, ...

Surabaya Great Expo 2013 to last from June 12 to 16

The city administration of Surabaya will open a 5-day Surabaya Great Expo 2013 on Wednesday in the East Java capital, ...

Rupiah exchange rate to Rp10,000

Institute for Development of Economic and Finance (Indef) researcher Eko Listiyanto said the rupiah exchange rate ...

Researchers: people need jobs more than cash

The people needs jobs more than they need cash , a researcher from the Institute for Development of Economic and ...

All passengers survive after a plane skids off runway

All 46 passengers of a plane operated by Merpati Airlines survived after it skidded off the El Tari airport runway in ...

Suicide bomb occurs in Poso

At least two explosions of suicide bombing occurred in Poso District, Central Sulawesi Province at 08.25 am local time ...

Workers begin to pack Hotel Indonesia roundabout

Thousands of workers and members of several elements of labor organization began to pack the Hotel Indonesia ...

Foreign coach should improve Indonesia`s weigh lifters` achievement

The Indonesia Gold Medal Attaining Program management has employed China`s weight-lifting coach and hoped the coach ...

Victoria storm not affects Indonesian waters

The Tanjung Perak chapter of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) for Maritime in Surabaya, East ...

Govt need not raise fuel prices: Observer

The government need not raise fuel oil prices in the face of increasing burden of the state budget, economic observer ...

Bengawan Solo floods in Ngawi recede

The floods that have affected several parts of Ngawi district, East Java, due to the overflowing of Bengawan Solo and ...

Indonesian govt asked to raise subsidized fuel prices

The Institute for Economics and Finance (INDEF) has recommended that the government raise subsidized fuel prices to ...

Two persons missing in flash flood in C. Sulawes

Sigi Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) has not found yet two bodies of a flash flood`s victims in Sigi ...

Government should legalize gold mining in Buru

The government is expected to legalize gold mining activities at Mount Botak area on Buru Island in Maluku Province in ...