
Collection of garbage news, found 402 news.

G20 Indonesia

Source-based waste management movement in Bali to support G20 summit

Bali Island will host the 17th G20 Summit on November 15-16, 2022, considered peak of the intensive process of the G20 ...

G20 Indonesia

Ministry unveils new-fangled strategies in blue economy at G20 event

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Ministry introduced three blue economy strategies and action plans at the G20 ...

Bali provides healthy foods to 200 families to reduce stunting

At least 200 families in Bali received healthy food aid from the province’s Family Prosperity Empowerment (PKK) ...

G20 Indonesia

Minister reviews TPST construction ahead of Bali G20 Summit

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan on Wednesday reviewed the ...

News Feature

Competition seeks to change Banjarmasin residents' outlook on rivers

Alayung River, located in Sungai Andai village, North Banjarmasin sub-district, South Kalimantan, was once choked with ...

Govt applies five blue economy strategies to maximize marine potential

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Sakti Wahyu Trenggono spoke of his ministry having implemented five blue ...

Several areas in Jakarta inundated due to bad weather: BPBD

The Jakarta Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) reported that 92 neighborhood units (RT) in South, East, and ...

Denpasar authorities clean up Sanur Beach after waste washes ashore

The Environment and Hygiene Office of Denpasar city, Bali, acted quickly on Friday to clean the Sanur Beach area ...

BKKBN highlights contribution of unclean environment to child stunting

The National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) stated that an unclean environment was a factor that ...

House revitalization aims to realize clean environment: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stated that the intensified revitalization of residents' houses in several areas in ...

Governor urges corporates to work together in managing waste

Governor of Jakarta Anies Baswedan urged area managers and companies in the capital to play a role in waste treatment ...

Indonesia, South Korea explore blue carbon cooperation

The Indonesian Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment and the South Korean Ministry of Maritime ...

Minister to build waste bank on Batam buffer islands

Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini  is working with the alumni association of the Bandung Institute of ...

W Papua: Environmental education diffusing through conservation areas

Environmental education is crucial for today's communities to educate them to preserve nature for the sake of ...

Yogyakarta BNN expands community-based intervention team formation

The Yogyakarta National Narcotics Agency (BNN) expands the formation of a community-based intervention team (IBM) at ...