#indonesian news

Collection of indonesian news news, found 45 news.

Antara, Bernama renew agreement in text, photo, video exchange

Indonesian News Agency, Antara, and Malaysian News Agency, Bernama, strengthened their existing cooperation by renewing ...

ASEAN Newsroom, "embryo" of media associations in the region: ANTARA

ASEAN Newsroom, a concept initiated by the ANTARA News Agency, could be the "embryo" for the formation of ...

ANTARA, ANSA ink news exchange cooperation

Indonesian state-owned news agency ANTARA and Italian news agency ANSA signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on ...

Polri, ANTARA agree to fight hoaxes to ensure safe elections

The National Police’s (Polri’s) public relations division and the ANTARA News Agency have agreed to fight ...

Publisher rights not anti-digital platforms: Press Council

Publisher rights regulation is not aimed at supporting anti-digital platform behavior, but rather creating a balanced ...

RI, UAE news agencies seek cooperation on products, distribution

Indonesian News Agency ANTARA and WAM News Agency of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are looking at potential areas ...

Striking a work-life balance: a female journalist's predicament

The global community, including Indonesia, has been co-existing with COVID-19 for over two years, and amid the looming ...

Indonesian government yet to set official price for booster vaccine

The Indonesian government has yet to determine the official price for the COVID-19 vaccine booster that applies to ...

Hope Papua can emulate success of Tokyo

Despite pressures from various public organisations to cancel the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan, scheduled for ...

How We Do It

Reporting on COVID-19 mass quarantine 500 meters from Sebaru Kecil

"A day prior to our trip, I conducted an internet research, but Google threw little information on this remote, ...

Tajikistan strives to become regional electricity exporter

Tajikistan is eyeing to become a regional electricity exporter after the launch of the second of the six turbines being ...

FAO, Antara deliver briefing on animal-to-human diseases in Indonesia

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)'s  Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD) ...

Indonesia expected to attend ISSF general assembly in Saudi Arabia

Indonesia, the Islamic Solidarity Sports Federation (ISSF) member, is believed to be present at the federation's ...

Indonesia, Mongolia agree to increase bilateral trade

Indonesia and Mongolia have agreed to increase trade relations by boosting exports and imports, Indonesian Ambassador ...

Antara updates its cooperation with Radio Taiwan International

Indonesian News Agency Antara expressed readiness to update its cooperation with Radio Taiwan International on the ...