#papuan children

Collection of papuan children news, found 64 news.

PON Papua

President plays football with Papuan children at PON opening ceremony

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) surprised spectators at the National Sports Week (PON) XX opening ceremony by ...

PON Papua

PON XX opening ceremony in Papua starts

The opening ceremony of the 20th National Sports Week (PON) kicked off with a traditional dance at 7 p.m. local time at ...

Papua Youth Creative Hub to develop Papuan talent pool: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) visited the groundbreaking of the Papua Youth Creative Hub on Saturday that is expected ...

PON Papua

Preparations for Papua PON opening ceremony 95% complete: official

The preparations for the opening ceremony of the National Sports Week (PON) XX  in Papua have reached 95-percent ...

PON Papua

PB PON invites Papuans to utilize, benefit from sports facilities

The Executive Board of Papua's National Sports Week (PB PON) XX has invited Papuans to make the most of all ...

Empowering Papuan human resources crucial: minister

Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini emphasized the importance of empowering Papuan human resources while ...

Social Affairs Ministry to distribute sewing machines to Papuans

The Ministry of Social Affairs has said it will distribute sewing machines to Papua residents to support their economic ...

Two slain teachers in Papua's Beoga receive Education Award

Representatives of Yonathan Renden and Oktovianus Rayo, two teachers, recently shot dead by several armed Papuan ...

Papua government seeks arrests of killers of two teachers

The Papua provincial government has called on security personnel to trace and crack down on armed Papuan criminals, who ...

OPM is non-existent in Papua following govt's approaches: Papuan

The Free Papua Movement (OPM) ceases to exist owing to the Indonesian government's prosperity-oriented and ...

Papua police promise prosperity-oriented approach

Papua police have pledged to adopt a prosperity-oriented approach to win the hearts and minds of native Papuan ...

Two million children to become poverty-stricken sans social aid

Over two million Indonesian children would be plunged into poverty if the government halted social assistance to poor ...

Armed violence: Soldiers provide aid to returning refugees in Mimika

Soldiers from the 756/WMS Infantry Battalion's security task force prepared and distributed 100 boxes of packaged ...

Sorong: 60 army personnel get second COVID jab

At least 60 soldiers in Sorong city, West Papua received their second COVID-19 shot as part of efforts to prevent new ...

Navy helps Papuan children instil reading habit through mobile library

Personnel of the Indonesian Navy's Third Fleet Command (Koarmada) have helped nurture the habit of reading among ...