Golkar believes electability of its general chairman, Aburizal Bakrie, would rise although it is now still at number ...
The Constitutional Court chief justice, Mahfud MD, has stated that he will never trade his idealism for a political ...
As Indonesia prepares for general election in 2014, government officials and other stakeholders are looking into ways ...
The next general elections in 2014 are expected to be more orderly and smoother with only ten political parties ...
President Susilo Yudhoyono in Jakarta has said that competition would be very tight in the presidential elections in ...
Ten political parties that will contest in the 2014 legislative elections obtained their respective sequence numbers ...
The Governor of Jakarta, Joko Widodo, also known as Jokowi, has urged the people of Jakarta to maintain religious ...
Constitutional court chief justice Mahfud MD said many of the country`s leaders have become addicted to power and, ...
The Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) said it recorded 52 cadres of political parties mired in corruption cases in ...
A survey institute director has stated that there are no indications that suggest the toppling of President Susilo ...
Indonesia will hold its presidential elections in 2014, but until now, the country is unaware of the public`s favorite ...
Four young figures from political parties, two of whom are Pramono Anung of PDIP and Priyo Budi Santoso of Golkar were ...
Two days before the anniversary of the International Anti-Corruption Day on December 9, Indonesians are shocked by ...
The House of Representatives` Ethics Council said several state-owned company directors had confirmed some lawmakers ...
State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Minister Dahlan Iskan has said that he is ready to face a defamation suit in connection ...