#traditional dance

Collection of traditional dance news, found 125 news.

News Feature

Traditional outfits add to charm of Independence Day celebrations

Constituting over 17 thousand islands, with a population of some 255 million, Indonesia is home to a plethora of ethnic ...

Jokowi visits Kampong Ulos Hutaraja in North Sumatra

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has given instructions to conduct improvements in the tourist attraction in Kampong Ulos ...

Jifolk to enthrall audience at Sindoro Sumbing Festival

Java International Folklore (Jifolk) is set to captivate the audience with its performance in Temanggung, Central Java, ...

Batubulan, a village renowned for its historic culture

Batubulan, a village located near Denpasar, the capital city of Bali island, has been known for centuries for its ...

Baturetno Village recognized for decrease in poverty

Baturetno Village in Sub-District Banguntapan, District of Bantul, Yogyakarta special autonomous region, successfully ...

Special Report

Strengthening Indonesia-Cambodia bilateral relations through culture

Indonesia and Cambodia have historically shared cultural ties since the Syailendra Dynasty ruling in the days of the ...

Minister Maharani lauds Indonesia-Cambodia Friendship Cultural Event

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani has lauded an Indonesia-Cambodia Friendship ...

Dozens of Indonesian dancers perform in Solo to enliven SCFD

Dozens of dancers from Ekosdance Company performed energetically with the concept of hip hop music to enliven the Solo ...

Indonesia pursues a target of 100,000 tourists from Spain

The Indonesian government puts Tourism as one of the priority sectors in Indonesia`s economic growth and tourism is ...

News Focus - Tourism sector in ntt reliable as economic pillar

The tourism sector in the Indonesian province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) can be relied upon as one of the economic ...

Asian Games 2018

Asian Games - Jack Ma introduces Hangzhou in 2018 Asian Games closing ceremony

Chinese billionaire Jack Ma introduced his birth city, Hangzhou, as the city that will host the 2022 Asian Games, in ...

Asian Games 2018

Asian Games - 4,000 invitees to attend welcome night in Palembang

Thousands of athletes, officials, community figures, sports and government representatives will attend "the ...

Asian Games - Opening ceremony of Asian Games 2018

Some 1.6 thousand female student dancers performed a dance and sang a song at the Bung Karno main Stadium here on ...

Indonesian director promotes `gamelan` music in Hollywood films

An Indonesian young movie director who has entered the Hollywood film industry, Livi Zheng, continues to insert ...

Exploring Tuamese natural tourism

With the presence of the new Tuamese nature tourism area on Timor Island, the natural beauty of Indonesia comprising ...