#transportation system

Collection of transportation system news, found 205 news.

Weekend Stories

Creative ways to stay sane: quarantine stories

It is Day 10 of 15 for Stefani Meidry, 24, posting fashionable selfies of herself on Facebook while in ...

President says capital city relocation encourages mindset improvements

The relocation of the capital city to Eastern Kalimantan aims to encourage improvements in the mindset of the ...

Jokowi observes road construction at Indonesia-Malaysia border

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) observed a road construction project at the Indonesia-Malaysia border in Nunukan ...

Transportation in new capital to be electricity-based: Minister

The mass transportation system for the new capital being planned in the districts of North Penajam Paser and Kutai ...

Well-managed transportation to aid in curbing trade deficit: Kalla

Vice President Jusuf Kalla opined that public transportation if well-managed would assist the government in slashing ...

Government open to allow China join new capital transportation project

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi has echoed the government’s openness if China is interested in working ...

Jokowi focuses on infrastructure development in remote regions

Indonesian President Joko Widodo highlighted the need for infrastructure development and interregional connectivity and ...

Jakarta governor, president discuss plan to introduce electric cars

Governor of Jakarta Anies Baswedan discussed a plan to introduce electric cars in the capital with President Joko ...

Online transportation most preferred by urban consumers: survey

​​​​​The demands from Indonesian consumers for adequate transportation continues to grow, along with the ...

MRT projected to reduce 5,600 private cars plying on road

Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), the latest means of public transportation in Indonesia's traffic-choked capital city of ...

South Sumatra LRT adds six trips starting June 7

South Sumatra LRT will add six trips, increasing to 58 trips daily, until 20.32 WIB starting June 7, ...

Jokowi rides MRT Jakarta during trial run

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) rode the Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta (MRTJ), serving the HI Circle-Lebak Bulus route, ...

Get rid of sectoral ego in managing transportation: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on all parties to get rid of sectoral ego in the management of transportation ...

VP Kalla holds meeting on greater Jakarta transportation system

Vice President Jusuf Kalla led a meeting on Monday to discuss the integrated transportation system in Greater Jakarta ...

Central Java committed to developing gas-fueled mass transportation system

The Central Java provincial government is committed to developing gas-fueled mass transportation modes to make the ...