
Collection of holiday news, found 1.988 news.

E Java moves to prevent traffic jams at tourist destinations

The East Java government is mapping the flow of tourist arrivals at a number of tourist destinations in the province to ...

Subianto hosts limited open house for officials at South Jakarta home

Defense Minister and President-elect Prabowo Subianto hosted a limited open house for government officials and ...

West Java's Puncak Pass remains tourism option for Eid travelers: Uno

The Puncak Pass, connecting several regions in West Java Province, has remained an appealing tourism destination for ...

TMII holding special Eid festival from Apr 8--14

The Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) Park is holding a special "Jelajah Seru Festival Pulang Kampung" or ...

MPR asks Eid travelers to follow rules for safety

Deputy Speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), Lestari Moerdijat, urged travelers joining the Eid ...

Polri halts contraflow on Jakarta-Cikampek KM 47--KM 70

The National Police (Polri) Traffic Corps temporarily stopped the contraflow traffic scheme from KM 47 to KM 70 of the ...

Ragunan Zoo prepares facilities to welcome Eid visitors

The Ragunan Zoo management has prepared infrastructure and facilities, including parking lots to accommodate vehicles, ...

Jakarta Satpol PP thousands of personnel to main during Eid holiday

The Jakarta Public Security and Order Agency (Satpol PP) deployed thousands of personnel to maintain security and order ...

Eid travel management to focus on safe journey to tourist attractions

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi stated that the focus of the Eid al-Fitr homecoming management will shift to ...

Eid exodus: Jokowi ensures smooth operation of railway services

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) visited Pasar Senen Station in Central Jakarta on Monday to ensure smooth operation of ...

KaTa Kreatif Program can help Cimahi boost creative economy: Minister

The Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry's KaTa Kreatif (creative districts/cities) Program can assist creative ...

Ministry records 1,187 complaints on THR payments at Command Post

The Manpower Ministry recorded 1,187 submitted cases regarding religious holiday allowance (THR) payments from April ...

 If expressway rest areas full, explore alternatives: police chief

Chief of the National Police, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, on Saturday appealed to homecomers traveling on the Trans ...

Expect Sorong to open international flights soon: governor

The Southwest Papua provincial government and the Sorong Domine Eduard Osok Airport (DEO) management have expressed the ...

Some 27,162 personnel secure Eid travel in West Java: Police

A joint team of 27,162 personnel from police, military, and regional governments in West Java has been deployed to ...