#aceh province

Collection of aceh province news, found 981 news.

Rohingya immigrants still accommodated at Langsa immigration office

As many as 20 Rohingya immigrants are still accommodated at Langsa Immigration Office in Aceh province, after they ...

Flood emergency status declared in West Aceh

West Aceh District Head H. Ramli MS confirmed that the district was classified as a flood emergency area, as hundreds ...

President calls on people not to disseminate slander

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has reminded that the people should not disseminate slander and false news. "Be ...

Indonesian VP urges KAHMI members to not be divided

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has appealed to all members of the Alumni Corps of Islamic Students Association (KAHMI) to ...

Chinese, Russian freedivers win Sabang Int`l Freediving C`ship

Chinese and Russian freedivers emerged as overall champions at Sabang International Freediving Championship (SIFC) ...

16 Aceh fishermen reportedly captured in Thai waters

Sixteen fishermen from Idi, East Aceh District, Aceh Province, were captured by unknown armed people in Thai waters on ...

News focus - Sabang`s underwater marine charm attracts divers by Otniel Tamindael

Indonesia`s westernmost city of Sabang in Aceh Province has at least 20 diving spots, with underwater charm, that have ...

Divers from 21 countries to enliven SIFCc 2018 in sabang

Divers from 21 countries in Asia, Europe, and Africa have confirmed their participation in free diving without ...

News feature - Aceh promotes Sabang as its tourism icon by Andi Abdussalam

Aceh is one of Indonesia`s 34 provinces rich in tourism potentials which could be promoted as a popular foreign ...

News Focus -Floods strike Sumatra as rainy season begins

Rainy season has begun in some parts of Indonesia, particularly on Sumatra Island, but the dry season has continued in ...

North Aceh floods spread to wider area

Floods have spread to a wider area in North Aceh District, Aceh Province, forcing victims to take refuge in safer ...

Hundreds of homes inundated in Aceh Jaya

Floods, triggered by incessant heavy rains, have inundated hundreds of homes in seven sub-districts, Aceh Jaya ...

5.4-magnitude earthquake hits Aceh`s Meulaboh

A 5.4-magnitude earthquake hit Meulaboh, the capital city of West Aceh District, Aceh Province, on Monday evening but ...

1,430 families in west sumatra remain isolated due to floods

Around 1,430 families living in the flood-hit areas of Pasaman Barat District, West Sumatra Province, remain unable to ...

Floods affect 24,321 people in Aceh Singkil District

The Aceh Singkil Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) reported that the floods that inundated 24 villages in the eight ...