#cikampek utama

Collection of cikampek utama news, found 38 news.

Jasa Marga predicts Eid homecoming traffic to peak on March 28

State-owned toll road operator Jasa Marga forecasts the peak of the homecoming traffic flow during the 2025 Eid al-Fitr ...

Some 1.5 mln vehicles projected leaving Jabodetabek on long weekend

State-owned toll road operator, PT Jasa Marga, forecasts 1,559,680 vehicles leaving the Greater Jakarta (Jabodetabek) ...

Contraflow policy applied on Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road

Authorities have applied the contraflow traffic scheme on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road following the traffic ...

Postpone return to Jabodetabek: minister to civil servants

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Cultural Affairs, Muhadjir Effendy, appealed to civil servants to ...

Eid return traffic to Jakarta up 41 percent over normal: Jasa Marga

The number of vehicles returning to Jakarta and its surroundings (Jabotabek) had reached 961,852 since the Eid ...

Jasa Marga tackles congestion at Cikampek toll gate using payment lane

State-owned toll operator, PT Jasa Marga, added electronic card transaction lanes at the Cikampek Utama Toll Gate (GT) ...

Jasa Marga says 471,794 vehicles return to Jabotabek since Eid

At least 471,794 vehicles had returned to Jakarta and its surrounding areas (Jabotabek) since the day of the Eid ...

One-way toll road to Jakarta for Eid travelers starts on Saturday

The government implemented a one-way traffic system on Trans Java Toll Road from Kalikangkung Toll Gate (GT) to ...

Eid homecoming: 1.87 mln vehicles projected to return to Jakarta

The number of Eid travelers' vehicles returning to Jakarta and its surrounding areas through four main toll gates ...

Jasa Marga records 1.5 mln vehicles leaving Jabotabek until Eid

A total of 1,564,278 vehicles were recorded leaving the Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Jabotabek) areas in the ...

Eid exodus: Jokowi ensures smooth operation of railway services

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) visited Pasar Senen Station in Central Jakarta on Monday to ensure smooth operation of ...

Jasa Marga records 807 thousand vehicles leaving Jakarta on D-4 Eid

The state-owned toll road operator, PT Jasa Marga, informed that 807,510 vehicles left the Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, ...

 If expressway rest areas full, explore alternatives: police chief

Chief of the National Police, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, on Saturday appealed to homecomers traveling on the Trans ...

Some 27,162 personnel secure Eid travel in West Java: Police

A joint team of 27,162 personnel from police, military, and regional governments in West Java has been deployed to ...

North Jakarta resident should benefit from car storage service: Police

The North Jakarta Metropolitan Police urged residents seeking to return home for Eid al-Fitr celebrations to derive ...